This is a complete hierarchical display of all pages of the technikum29 website. If you are looking for a device or want to get a quick overview, this might be the right place. You can also use our search page. Note as this is a Germany based institute, our primary website language is German. Thus the sitemap for German pages is slightly more comprehensive (larger) as we don't have all pages translated to English.
Main website:
- Über das MuseumAbout our museum
- Führung durch das MuseumElectronical guide
Development projects:
Entwicklungs- und Programmierprojekte
Programming and hardware projects
- Lochstreifen-ProjekteProjects involving Paper Tape devices and storage
- Lochkarten-ProjekteProjects involving Punch card devices and storage
- Bull-Anelex-ProjektConnecting an Anelex Highspeed printer to the BULL Gamma Mainframe
- Univac9400-ShowUnivac9400 show emulation
- Papers und VeröffentlichungenPapers and publications
- Weitere WebsitesWebsite managament
Entwicklungs- und Programmierprojekte
Programming and hardware projects