Since the sudden pass away of Heribert Müller in April 2018, the provisional lead of the museum is up to the community of heirs as well as friends and volunteers of the museum. We are reachable via:

The museum is located close to Frankfurt airport and the city Frankfurt am Main in Germany. It is a 20 minutes travel by car/taxi from the airport or Frankfurt downtown. There is a direct train connection from Frankfurt main station (travel time 35 minutes, commuter line RB12). You can exit either at Kelkheim station or, even closer, at Kelkheim (Hornau) station. It is a five minute walk from the station.
Image use policy and information about reusing technikum29 website contents
All selfmade photographies on our website are relased under the
Creative Commons (CC BY-NC 4.0)
license. This means you can use these pictures for any noncommercial purpose. You
also may share and modify them as you like. The only condition is that you mention the source of these
pictures, i.e. our name: technikum29 computer museum. We also would like to see a link to our
In case you want to publish pictures in a commercial project, for instance within a magazine or book which is supposed to monetary compensate it's author, we offer an alternative licensing model. If this applies, please contact us.